Get Healthy in 2017

Sun Valley inspires us everyday to get out and play, laugh and enjoy life.  Here are our little tips to start the New Year off right and stay healthy for all of 2017.

Move! Exercise, take the stairs, park farther from the door

Eat more vegetables (yes, even for breakfast!) Think breakfast salad, veggie scramble, avocado on toast, add shredded carrots or zucchini to your pancakes  

Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Turn off screens 1 hour before bedtime

Drink more water (8 - 8 ounce glasses per day) that's a half gallon.  Grab a glass of water before coffee in the morning

Gratitude is good for health.  It's scientifically proven! It benefits the heart and immune system

Get outside - fresh air is a mood enhancer